Intuitive Soul Call Card Reader Certification

Photo: Tanya Mallot

Discover my new card deck and receive certification as an Intuitive Soul Call Card Reader.   

  • Deepen your intuition
  • Offer powerful, meaningful readings to clients and friends
  • Using an easy-to-learn psycho-spiritual language

"There is incredible power inthese cards and in the teachingsthat come with them!"The Soul Call Cards One word, no imageInfinite PossibilityOracle cards serve as extensions of the constellating activity of the psyche. They help us to see what's happening in our thought and feeling life, by drawing our inner conversation into the light.The deliberately limited format – one-word, no-image- allows for infinite possibility. The cards may constellate a story, a poem, an adventure. Watch. Listen. The words work together to build powerful, meaningful messages.IMG_0892The Soul Call Cards were developed by carefully selecting words and trying them in different combinations – for a year.As I worked, I was watching...the way the cards worked together:the patterns they formed when one word was placed beside another.Patterns of energy, patterns of feeling, patterns of memory.I was watching (and feeling) for the words which could develop symbolic resonance and relationship with one another – and with the reader.I discovered a unique way to lay out the cards making them even more powerful.You’ll learn that layout – the Nine-Square Constellation. You’ll learn how it holds the container of each reading, allowing single words to catch hold of one another and form matrices of meaning.

"My friend and I just finished our reading together and it was wonderfully enlightening in every way. The cards she pulled for me have given me some clarity and insight on what is constellating around me now."

In this 6-week Online Group Workshop:

  • You’ll work at your own pace, watching the videos, engaging in the online discussion.
  • You'll work directly with me – in our Facebook group and on two live calls.
  • You’ll work with one another – in paired readings, exchanged via Skype or telephone.
  • You’ll work with your friends and family members (if you want to) offering powerful, meaningful practice readings.

IMG_0946Here’s just a little of what people have to say after working with the Soul Call Cards:

My first reading with the Soul Caller Cards is utterly magical…I love these cards ~ even a quick read-through is radiating wisdom…Completely blown away by these cards. They are more than just magical… The creativity stemming from them is off the chartsoh my! just did my first reading and am floored, supported, ebullient, seen. happy.Interesting how I got some of the same words in different positions. The blessing card literally flew out of my hand!!When you join this class, you'll see for yourself: working with these cards – and this kind of constellated reading – is not only magically illuminating, it’s fun!)I’m having a great time with the SC cards. I’ve been starting every morning with a reading. There are a lot of layers; loving the dance between the words and the constellations they create.I’m just loving this journey this new way of gaining insight . The meanings at first aren’t in your face . The insights creep up on me after I walk away and think and feel the cards."Thank you for the opportunity to pair with others and deepen our connection within the circle." 

You’ll learnto look beyond the surface of a problem, challenge or situationYou'll find openings for healingand learn a simple way of explaining them to your clients (and yourself)You’ll deepenyour ability to see and understand symbolic messages.Your intuition will deepenas you offer readings to others - and don't be surprised if THEIR intuition deepens in the process. (In other words, you'll begin to naturally, easily teach others what you know and that's one of the most satisfying experiences of all!)To receive your certificate and become an “Intuitive Soul Call Card Reader” you'll complete a three-step certification process. The certificate can be framed and support you in your work as a teacher and healer in your own community.As you will see, the skills you learn in this workshop will transfer – you’ll be much better at reading ALL cards.And perhaps the most exciting thing of all: learning to read Soul Call Cards reveals the magical world of meaning that's glittering just under the surface of everything! IMG_1532The Certification program is offered four times each year - in January, April, July and October - and it's supported by a 24/7 Discussion and Practice Circle. The Workshop fee includes:

  • Six weeks of guided group process
  • Two live integration calls with AmyWednesdays at 2:00 pm ET (Recorded so you can listen any time.)
  • Video Demonstrationswhere Amy offers step-by-step instruction on doing a 9-square reading; tips on what to do - and what not to do in a reading.
  • Paired Practice Readings by Skype and/or telephone
  • 24/7 discussion in private, secret FB Group, where group members discuss card meanings, layouts and share interpretation of full readings.

Workshop FeeWorkshop Only(If you already have your Soul Call Cards) $144Add to CartWorkshop PLUSIf you need a deck of Soul Call Cards $184Add to CartAs soon as you sign up, you'll receive a confirmation email with a link to our international Discussion and Practice Circle (This comes with the cards).You'll ALSO be invited to join our class's private, secret Facebook group (This comes with the Card Reader Workshop.)————Questions you may have:soul call cardsIs this a live class?This program is a combination of self-study, through video tutorials, and lively 24/7 online discussion with people from all over the world. It also includes live integration calls.Is there a pre-requisite for this class?No. Even if you’ve never worked with me before or taken one of my classes, you are welcome to participate.Do I need to know how to read tarot or other divination cards?No, though a general familiarity with other decks will be helpful.Will you be helping us interpret our readings?Yes, I will be very active in the Facebook group and you can bring questions to our live integration calls.The live calls will be while I’m sleeping- will it be ok to listen to them recorded?Yes! I’ll post an MP3 recording of each of the live calls right after the call ends. You’ll find it in on our FB group page and filed, for future reference, under the FILES tab.What will I miss if I can’t make the live calls?The live calls are for live Q and A with me but you can always ask your questions in the FB group – and I will do my best to be there, every single day, to support you.The deep work of this program happens during your readings – for yourself and for one another. You’ll be paired with another group member, exchange readings and then bring what you’ve learned to the Facebook discussion. This is a laboratory, where you’ll all learn together.What are the requirements for certification?

  1. Participate in the group discussions on FB. (It’s okay to listen to the live calls by recording.)
  2. Complete 20 Soul Call Card readings for friends, family and/or other members of this class.
  3. Submit a one-page (only) essay describing your experience with the cards, including details from at least one reading. Submit your essay to, including the address where you’d like to receive the certificate.

What will my certificate say?Your nameIntuitive Soul Call Card ReaderHow do I receive my certificate?Your certificate will be sent to you once you complete the requirements of the programCan I skip the class and just buy a deck of Soul Call Cards?Sure!  I'd be happy to sell them to you. And thank you! Click here.portrait amy oscar by john aielloIf you have ANY other questions, please ask. Here's my email: look forward to helping you constellate your own readings with the Soul Call Cards!  


I am here with you, you are here with me


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