When the world feels like it's falling apart, how do WE not fall apart internally?

As another politically charged story explodes across the multiplex of screens through which we view the world, I am sitting with a cup of tea and exploring the seeming opposites of contentment (the basic human need to feel safe and whole) and the urge to rise and fight.When the world feels like it's falling apart, how do WE not fall apart internally?When I feel the rising of outrage, how do I maintain the truth of who I am? While managing my own reactivity, how do I ALSO contribute to the more peaceful world that I want to live in?

When something 'out there' expands and looms over ... everything, what is the response that will not add more fear and suffering?What is my job, as a mother, as a citizen, as a teacher? What should I say? What should I do?How do we, individually, manage and maintain our inner state - so we can function at work and at home - even while staying awake and aware of what is happening in our world? How do we find, even is this craziness, the world of love that is also here?#CupOfTeaMusings

Our mom died last night.


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