"Wow. I am really doing this."

I've been making a decision for a few weeks years now. It's a big one - should I take that Masters/PhD program in Depth Psychology and Somatic Studies in California?It's the kind of choice that I feel privileged to even be making - to have the time and the money, to have completed the prerequisites.  I feel blessed just in these things.Still, I've been wrestling a bit with the idea of spending all of this time and money on education - 'at this stage in my life." And when that doubtful voice isn't active, there's the other one, that questions whether spending that time/money 'just' on myself is really 'worth it'.So, you know - wrestle, wrestle.But then, this week, the fog parted and clarity is here and I decided to go. Why not try it? I realized. So I'll take it one step at a time and see.And as I was sitting in my writing cafe and filling out the application, the woman at the next table said to her friend, "Wow! This is really happening isn't it?"Though she wasn't talking to me, or about me, I smiled. Over at my own table, about ten feet away, I nodded. This IS really happening. I am really doing this.A moment later, the same woman said, "Wow. I am really doing this - really going to California."I looked up. It's funny how I get these messages. What with the music playing and the kitchen clanging pots and the espresso machine hissing steam, I couldn't hear ANYTHING else she and her friend were saying. What magic opens to allow the precise message I need to hear to get through?I put my head down, completed the application and then, just before I sent it, she said, "The neurons are firing, the relationship between the body and the brain - the mind - well that is really so interesting to me."Which, as it turns out, is exactly why I've chosen this particular path of study. Because that's exactly what interests me.----I know that you, too are feeling - and riding - the powerful energy of this summer and this week's Blue Moon: you can read about that here, on Mystic Mama, one of my favorite astrology sites.I invite you to tell me your story. What dream choice is here, offering itself to you? What steps can you take toward it? Even small ones help to make it real.Know that once your dream feels real to you - it will begin to take steps toward you. Your dream wants to be with you. It loves you, it calls to you. What dream is calling you, irresistibly toward it?


The Way is a Y-shaped stick - a divining rod pointing toward the future, which you hold in your hands


How to dream yourself from 'here' to 'there'