You will find what you are looking for

Yesterday, after a three-day Restorative Yoga teacher training, I was walking to my car. My heart open, my body filled with prana, I felt wonderful - and I began looking down, scanning the ground.It's become a steady habit - I'm outside, I look for feathers or coins - or some other sign - to let me know that I am not alone. I read the signs of the world the way other people might read the morning newspaper. It's a language of guidance, which we developed - me and the world - over time.Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 8.19.12 PMSo yesterday, as always, I was scanning the sidewalk when I received this guidance - loudly and clearly:

Life would like to give you so much more than feathers and dimes. Look for those signs now. Look for opportunities, invitations. Look for all the ways life offers itself to you. Keep your eyes on any thread and that's what you'll find.

The teacher known as Abraham suggests that we remind ourselves often, "Everything is always working out for me," and that we make it a practice to focus upon the 'everything' that we WANT to find.In other words, you will find what you are looking for - therefore, look for what you want to find.


Dream: Way Station/Force field with characters from several shows I am binge-watching


Dream: A visit from Dad