Wild Sacred Self

Love emerges through you, wherever you are.


Relearning How to Listen, How to Speak

  • Upside Down

  • Crow and Deer

  • Speaking to Anxiety

  • Box of Fear

  • Infrastructure and Integration

  • Constellation: Piecing things together

  • Claiming and Naming

  • Movement and Being Frozen

  • Luxurious Allowing

  • Intimacy and Withholding

  • Realizing Pleasure

  • Me Too

  • The land opened, spewing fire and lava

  • Circe and Mink River

  • The year of Gather with Jen

Trusting the signs

From Chapter One…

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More words about the book

Book One:
Healing the Wounded Heart

Trusting the presence that is always here, loving and supporting you.


Holiness and Making Sacred the World


Becoming Love