The Soul Caller Salon

This is the workshop space

Spring Salon 2023 begins March 30
10 weeks, Thursdays 6:30 PM Eastern

In Seasonal Salon, you’ll gather weekly
on Thursdays at 6:30 pm/Eastern
for 90 minutes.

Each session includes guided imagery mediation and group discussion.

Spring Salon:
Open like a cup

Fill with the light and beauty of your soul's deep wisdom

​​Listen for the call of your inner and outer guides.
Develop a living, vibrant relationship with the presence that is as close as your own breath. Always here, and always ready to guide you.

Identify the signs that are already happening.
Cultivate the language of clear, unmistakable symbols your guides use to make their message visible.

Capture these supportive and loving messages in writing and image.

10 live calls on Zoom, include:

Guided journeying.
Deep, imagery-based meditation during which you'll receive real, embodied dream encounters with guides from nature and your own ancestry.

Record and remember the messages your guides send.

Group discussion
To build confidence in the reality of the embodied, waking dream you're living.

Spring Salon begins March 30

We meet every week on Zoom
Thursdays at 6:30 PM Eastern

Tiered Pricing:
$600. For people who can afford the full fee and help sponsor partial and full scholarships to this event.

$388. This is closest to the true cost of this workshop.
Use coupon code: $388

$164. For people on fixed income, single mothers and those identifying as BIPOC, LGBTQ.
Use coupon code: $164

To request a full scholarship, please send me a note at

Were you looking for Journey - the year-long program?

All the details and pricing are here.