Awakening is not a one time event

2_Overwhelm-Yourself-2What do you imagine awakening is for? What do you think will happen when you, all at once, are awake?Awakening is not a one-time event. Awakening doesn't just happen to you. Awakening is happening all the time - and you are awakening's dance partner, an active participant in the dance.Just as your body awakens each morning and falls asleep each night, so the awakening of awareness unfolds in rhythmic progression - one day at a time. You open your eyes, you see a little more - you sense a little more. Your eyes close and you pretend, for a while, to forget what you saw.But you don't forget.Awakening builds on itself, adding light as you add willingness. In this way, you and awakening build awakening together.Perception expands. Awareness fills in.One bright morning, one breath, at a time, you glimpse the truth of who you are - what you are: Awareness awakening, dancing with willingness.


Ivy Landesman-Slevin: When Love Takes Over


The psyche is in the heart