Amy Oscar

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Come into the dance

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=".vc_custom_1606311564603{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}"]Every single day, the universe is offering us the opportunity to change our lives. When the offer comes, we may feel unprepared, not special enough, not ready.

As I have learned, from my own story, and from watching the stories of my students unfold, we are always ready. In fact, when the work arrives, it's an invitation across a threshold into readiness - a readiness that can only be found IN THE WORK.

Here's the thing:

The project that is offering itself to you  needs you; and, in a way that only the angels understand, you need it, too.

You need it to get to the other side of the edge that (you believe) is keeping you from the gift. The git that is only available on the other side of that edge.

  • You are the match that lights the candle (or the fuse).
  • You are the missing ingredient that makes the cake rise.
  • You are the musician that completes the song...
  • .... the wings that lift the angel of your own life.

You. The way that you dream you could be: healthy, whole, joyful and free. All you have to do is take that one simple risk: the risk of waking up - instead of going back to sleep - the risk of saying yes.

The risk of saying yes.

It's like there is this big cosmic dance going on; and all of us are sitting by the telephone waiting to be invited. If we only understood the truth: that we are always invited. The doors to the dance hall are wide open; they have always been open.

It does us no good to go all shy and demure, and, "Oh, I'm not dressed for that." or, "Gee, I'm wearing these uncomfortable shoes..."

This is it. Come into the dance.

What the Soul Caller Training did for me - and I think is doing for my students - is to say, "Come to the dance as you are. Kick off your fear, your hesitation at the threshold of your own life - leave those uncomfortable shoes at the door. Let's dance."

And now I am going to mix metaphors, but just this once:

Imagine that, just outside the door of the great cosmic barn where the dance takes place, there are two baskets: one filled with fairy dust, the other filled with gold.

Stop. Reach in and pick up as much as you can carry in the pockets of your apron.

Oh, I didn’t mention the apron? Imagine that you're wearing an apron, with deep pockets.  Imagine yourself filling those pockets with gold - and fairy dust. And walk into the dance, pockets bulging with treasure, tossing your handful of magic into the air and let it rain upon your head.

See yourself walking through that dance hall and everyone is doing this crazy jitterbug of joy.

Because you're there - you're finally there.

Imagine the friends you'll meet, the good you will do, the fun you will have.

Come into the dance!
