Amy Oscar

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You were made for this

The Flow Notebooks: You were made for thisThis is the first of a series.This morning, I received a strong message inviting (urging) me to share the information that I am streaming/receiving through dreams with you. I've been receiving messages/information in this way for several years - maybe all of my life (though I have only become aware of this in the past two or three years.).These transmissions form the foundation for all of my work. They arrive as powerful imagery - packets of light/information/energy, delivered holographically (through all of my senses, all at once, as one unit) which I  unpack and investigate until I fully understand them. I do this by searching for corroboration with the work of other teachers, scientists, psychotherapists through conversation, reading and research.This morning, 'the flow' began to speak to me about this - suggesting that all of this investigation has shown me what I need to know (that these messages are valid - and real) and that it is now time to trust them, and to share them with you.For the first time, I was guided through receiving a download while observing myself receiving it. As you will see, I was shown my own patterns of resistance and fear. I was shown, also, the way that my support team of angels and cosmic wacky professors works with me; I was deeply moved by their gentleness, their respectful handling of my concerns and their patience.At their suggestion, I now invite you into my experience. This transmission is for you.-----------(Note: I have placed guidance in italics and my thoughts in plain type.)I wake to a strong flash of imagery, a sheet of honeycomb pattern, undulating in the upper left quadrant of my awareness. As the image clarifies, I see that each circle in the pattern is a sphere built of 'light' which is also structural - each sphere contains a spinning north-south/east-west axis. The shell of each sphere is light green, the center flashes as it spins, a rose pink light. (Writing this, I realize that these are the colors of the heart chakra, so this makes sense - in keeping with the download which was explaining the nature of the energy of the love which comprises all things.)You are a fractal in a wholeness that comprises and contains (and also IS) the entire universe - known and unknown. I know this is hard for you to take in - to fully 'grok' - at this moment. By the end of this transmission (book?), you will understand fully.(This word 'understanding' is inadequate to the promise being made here - the message is that we will 'get' this as truth down to our toes and integrate it so fully into our way of life that it will be impossible to pull it away. In other words, it will become embedded in the foundational story out of which we live.)By the end of this transmission, you will be living out of that understanding. You will be at the center of your fractal - at the center of your story - your life and the entire universe.I keep stopping the flow here with questions (resistance). There is much information about how we can all be at the center of the universe - and I have trouble understanding this - conceptualizing it fully. They show me my resistance as they continue to answer my questions. As I understand it, I will explain it to you - stay tuned.This is a conversation about the sacred architecture of the universe - of all that is. Every living thing in it, including you. your body, mind and spirit are all fractals and are all a aprt of the fractallated web of life on your planet which is a part of the interconnected web of plants, stars, meteors and dust that comprise the cosmos. The cosmos is a part of a vast and infinitely expanding universe beyond the scope of this discussion or your current ability to comprehend.One day, you WILL comprehend it.) "As it is above, so it is below. You have heard that before. We'll unpack it for you now. So you can get it and stand inside of it. YOu can walk around in its rooms and imaginal spaces.Here, they pause to show me images of me - moving around inside of rooms of truth, which was pretty darn cool.  I fell in love with these rooms - and this way of living/thinking/being and then, my resistance came up hard and strong. I grew afraid. It seemed way too much for me to be 'responsible' for.  How can I explain this? How can I stand inside of this and speak it when I don't fully get it? I stopped the flow. They surrounded me with reassuring peace. You won't forget. We won't let you. You are ready. We are here. You were made for this. We are here, holding you in the protection of our light, our hand at your back, holding your cape - yes, you have a cape, everyone does.They showed me that this 'cape' is, in a way, the light that we leave behind us. Much as the angels 'wings' are not actually wings - but light which flows out behind and around them.( :) -- that was them, smiling, which I feel/see. In fact, as I share this, that 'smiling' energy is here. They seem pleased that I am finally opening this door to you.We stand behind you, holding the wisdom of the universe in this container. (They playfully showed me a briefcase, a box, a bowl - to indicate that it can be anything I choose. I chose a magnificently battered, high-quality English leather briefcase.)We stand behind you holding the wisdom of the universe in this magnificently battered, high-quality English leather briefcase feeding it to you as you need it. Fly. You were made for this.(That was part 1. I got some tea. Part two is next.)Link to part 2