Amy Oscar

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Joy loves me.

Today's ‪#‎SoulCall‬: Joy loves me.My natural state is joy. From joy I can do anything (that I feel called to do) and everything that I do works. From joy, I am engaged, alive and free.Flowing from joy - flowing as joy - feels risky sometimes. But I am getting better and better at regulating my reactive, emotional behavior.

I see that my emotional responses are often a kind of apology for joy. I stop the flow of joy because it feels too big, too much, too joyful.As if my joy might overwhelm other people. As if my joy might do harm.The more that I let joy flow I understand that joy does not harm. Joy connects. Joy heals. Joy reaches out and enfolds. Joy is the gesture love makes when it encounters joy.Joy is the bridge from one heart to another.Joy loves me. I love Joy.