This is your window of opportunity

This is your window of opportunity. You are guided to do something and you either do it or you don't do it. If you don't do it, it moves away, like all thought - a seed on the wind. And if you don't follow a thought, like a seed, it will land elsewhere.So how do you seed something new in your life - a new book, a new relationship, a new habit? You follow it. And how do you follow it? From a place of curiosity, which is the birthplace of joy.And this is the teaching we have been flowing you in several ways - the teaching on seeds and how the world is seeded by ideas and cosmic dust.  (And Amy is asking if she will now be including in these transmissions the guidance which she receives outside of these transmissions, when she is out and walking in the world,) and we say that sometimes, this will be the case and she will know those times and we will reinforce her knowing, her certainty of this.Because she has been for some time such an open channel, and one to whom guidance flows easily, she is more and more experiencing that the flow of her life in the world is aligned - and is aligning - with the conversation that we are bringing here. She is hearing us while she is driving and purchasing groceries and cooking and doing the laundry. She is experiencing a new clarity around the dreams which are with us and the dreams which are not with us and she is seeing ever more clearly that even when she is awake she is engaged in a process of dreaming and we will be discussing this today - and in future sessions with you here. )As we are teaching, this is your window of opportunity - and by 'this' we mean this moment, this location, this thought that you are having. We mean to say that you are always facing a window and that every window you face is an opportunity, an opening into expansion and that you are invited to open all the windows which you are curious about. No one will It is not possible to open 'too many' windows and it is not possible to open 'the wrong window'. Follow your curiosity and it will always open onto joy.And this is not to say that you will never suffer - this is to say that opening any window will lead to experience and expansion and that all of this will always include experiences which feel 'good' to you and experiences which feel 'bad' to you and that each of these experiences - good or bad - is also a window, and also opens onto the next moment, the next opportunity, the next extension of your understanding of yourself and the world and what this is.(And we are interrupting this flow, even as Amy is typing it to say that each of you is called to your own interests and curiosity and we will address this in great detail as we move through the material in this book. For now, we want to assure you that you are all receiving our message all the time, just as Amy is, but in your own way. As Amy's way includes 'messenger' and also, 'artist', her joy will be found by following curiosity around messaging, language, communication and also, art and the creative process. And so, you will be drawn toward and curious about the things that are in alignment with who you are. If your way is 'builder', you will find joy by following your curiosity toward the construction of things. You'll be interested in and curious about materials and design, balance and engineering. As a child, you will have been interested in these things and now, as an adult, too. What is your way? You will find this in the things that you are curious about. And we will discuss this throughout the project.)(end of interruption.)We are learning together to flow this information.And as we practice each day, so it will become easier and there will be less and less need for Amy to interrupt the flow with concerns. She is coming to trust us and so we are inviting Amy to bring her questions as they arise, which we will respond to and in this way we will create the give and take, the natural ebb and flow of a natural conversation. And again, we invite the readers' questions, as well.Q: The guidance comes and comes and I am  concerned that it's too much. How do I keep up with it and how do I stop it so that I can rest and how do I restart it? Also, all of the answers seem to arrive with the questions. I mean that even as I ask you begin to answer, and this overwhelms me. Can you address this, please?Amy is concerned that when she senses us here with a new message she is required to show up and sit with us then and there and this is not the case. Our message is ALWAYS here, always offered and you, Amy, and you reader, can access our message at any time and that is the teaching of this day.  This is your window of opportunity - and so is this, and so is this.Q: There is this 'split' in me. There is this 'me' that knows that this is real - that you are real and that I am really flowing this conversation with you and this other 'me' that does not know. Yes and we are aware of this in you and that is the reason for this book, which is for you and for the reader. We have said is a practice book for you to en-train you to a new, more comfortable way of receiving our message/guidance. It is also a practice book for the reader, who comes to our message with the same question: I feel split between the part of me that knows and the part of me that doubts.First we will say this; There are no parts of you. You are one - a wholeness - and we are one. and we are one and the same.You spoke earlier of the 'gift of imagery' and this is what we will explain now. The gift of imagery means that you are one who can 'see' our message which can create in you the sense/illusion that you are 'split' - as if there are two, you and another - one sending messages and one receiving them. And this is the illusion of duality and must be addressed, healed/understood and forgiven. There is no 'seam' between self and other. This is an illusion, one which we are in the process of re-storing/re-integrating to wholeness with this work.Return to the discussion of binding and naming and notice that you 'see' yourself as having a constant conversation in your mind between 'this' and 'that' - as if you were a train, standing at an endless switching station - a train, endlessly having to choose a track. This impression is produced by your resistance to simply flow toward joy - to let joy lead you. You make/conjure the switching station out of thin air, with the thought that you could ever make a 'bad' or 'wrong' choice. And the switching station appears and you stand before it. Yet there is no switching station, only you, arguing with the illusion that you made.All is well is our message and we have been streaming it from the day of your birth.All is well means that there nothing wrong and you are not in danger and it is your idea that you are which makes you stop at the switching station (or the window) and get stuck there, endlessly making up your mind.The words 'making up your mind' are a perfect expression of what is happening, and your language often demonstrates that it already 'knows' our message. When you say that you are 'making up your mind' you are literally, making it up - you are inventing this other 'you' in your mind, and then, as if it were real, you are arguing with it.What might happen if, instead of thinking of yourself as one who is stuck at this yes/no switching station, you play with the idea that you are a fountain, endlessly flowing, endlessly emerging into form. This is a more accurate and more supportive image to hold of who you are. And what you are.And here we will say that the image you hold of what you are is ALL. It is what you will become. Like your new 3-D printers which are capable of making an image on the screen of a computer into a physical object in your hands, so you, too are capable of holding a pattern in your mind's eye (a vision) and allowing it to/watching it emerge in the world.This is a challenging concept, we know, and brings with it bindings around magic and casting spells and witchcraft and we will answer any and all questions that you bring.Yet these inventions of man/woman are out-picturings of what the human being can and will do. Just as your internet is an out-picturing of the interconnectivity of all minds into one mind, so this 3-D printer exemplifies your ability to imagine (en-vision/hold the vision of) and out-picture (draw into form/manifest) that image are real.(And Amy is reminding us that this is a crossover moment much like the first telecommunications equipment, which allowed her clients to stream documents from one location to another. Before this, there were messengers on bicycles zigzagging all over cities around the world, carrying documents from office to office. Now, suddenly, in the 1980s, with the click of a button, a banker or a lawyer or a  secretary in New York could transmit a letter to his or her counterpart in London, Tokyo or Los Angeles instantly. This was not always the case and, though it is common practice today, it was an amazing marvel barely 30 years ago!)And this is the teaching and the answer to so many of Amy's questions, for she is always curious about communication and the creative process - and how thought crosses over into form, and how the world was and is made and being made.So, yes, Amy , you have been aware of this for a long time. Yes, this is the natural flow of your unfolding. For as you followed joy, you were led, at 25, 35, and all the way toward this understanding. At 26, when you learned about computer telecommunications, when you mastered so easily the emerging technology that would send messages through the air.Of course it was easy for you and of course you were drawn toward it, it was an out picturing of what you are. But until now, you experienced all of this as in a dream. You moved toward that which you were curious about - you followed your curiosity, your interest your JOY.  Just as it was easy and natural for your husband, who would become an artist/architect AND an inventor/author, to follow his interest and joy by drawing intricate cities, with great detail and to stage, inside of his drawings, imaginary battles and other engagements. These childhood pursuits strengthened his interest and focused his attention on the things that he was naturally interested in/drawn toward. Through play, he learned skills that he will be using today even as he designs real buildings. It was then, and it is today, the same process: translating that which he sees in his imagination onto paper and working with others to translate what is on paper into 3-D. (A humorous thought occurs to us here that, in this scenario, the contractor/builder is the 3-D printer!)This is what we mean when we say that when you follow your joy you will never get it wrong. Following joy means that you release concerns about meaning and plan and trust that there IS a plan and that it will lead you well. It will lead you because it knows you - and because  joy always follows joy.  And your interest and enthusiasm naturally attract same.And Amy is underlining the words "as in a dream" which feel illuminated to her and we will follow her curiosity and expand this now. But first we will say that THIS which is now emerging between us is the natural conversation, which expands the world.We are here with you and you are here with us and together we are engaging and elaborating/enjoying the elaboration of new things. We are opening our box of words and names together and looking inside.So when we said earlier that this is a process which will help you, Amy, to write your own books, this is what we meant. You will learn and be en-trained by this that we do here and to trust your own curiosity knowing that it will always lead to joy.And now Amy is asking about her memory and uncertainty - because she has noticed from the start of this project that when we are here with her she has no doubt in herself or in what is being said. She feels certain of our message, makes very few distortions and virtually no crossing out of words or loop overs in thought. And she is curious about this and asking us to elaborate.A joy led dreamAnd we say to her, this is a joy-led conversation and it is training you to trust your connection to joy and to trust your ability to listen for and to receive joy and to ask of us all that you want to know and to receive and to witness how your joy invites our joy to flow in this form. We invite you to experience the freedom in following joy as if you were in a joy-led dream. As if you were dreaming and following joy. To let yourself move through the day as if the day were joy and joy were dreaming you.We love you and we engage with you freely, as this is the natural flow of love, expressing now and here as joy in writing, joy in asking and answering, joy in practicing, joy in being connected and in holding connection. Joy is here and you are here with joy and this is holy holy and all is well.And yes, Amy, this is the expression of enthusiasm - being filled with the joy of God/of the Divine, for the Divine is joy, is radiance, is hoody and in our presence/this presence you know yourself as joy and worthy of joy and worthy of summoning our presence to you.We invite you to move into your day with this image in mindWe have said earlier that angels are the thoughts of God and we will re-mind you of this here and now, and we will hold this image with you for a while.We invite you now to move into your day with this image and to follow it with your curiosity and se where it leads and then we invite you to return and engage with us again here in this connection of joy with joy.The emergence point.------We are reserving these questions for other conversations.Q: This morning you showed me the hive of the world again. Can you talk about this more, please? And we have been showing you this image for some time now. We have shown this to you in dreams and in images in your waking mind. We will return to this, yes. A good question.Q: Can you speak about pain and pain relief  - and what I am witnessing in my mother, please? 


There is nothing out there that will fill the emptiness you feel


effulgent emergence: all creation is the loving thoughts of God