Amy Oscar

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turning and turning and turning toward love

12234852_10206485443868464_4794333668237003724_nthere is an ancient healing practice from Hawaii known as ho'o pono pono. I try to practice it whenever I feel myself turning away from love, back into drama and spitefulness and defending.I turn my attention toward the problem or the person where I feel myself separated from love and I say these four simple phrases.I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.I say this until the energy clears and I can reconnect with the thread of love.There is a secret to how and why this works - a secret at the heart of all the great traditions. Come close and I will whisper it to you: All of life is blessed - and all of life is blessing.All of life is blessed - and all of life is blessing.Everything: even this, which seems to separate me from love, is love inviting me to experience love. This is the secret keyhole which, when understood, transforms into its own key: Bless everything.Bless everything. In other words, include everything in the wholeness of a world that is blessed. This is the formula, laid into the architecture of each particle of the world: Only my belief that I am separate separates me. Only my fear holds me outside the gates of the temple of blessing.When I hold nothing outside the gates of blessing, I surrender to the world that is emerging before me. Only then can I engage with the world as it is - and stop trying to change it into what I think it should be. ------Summary:I love you. (I am love, meeting only love. And so, you, too, are love.)I'm sorry. (that I am allowing this story to separate me from truth)Please forgive me. (for holding you separate in my heart)Thank you. (in advance, for this gift you have given to me. The invitation to love, no matter what seems to be here.)