Vanessa Anstee Interview with Amy Oscar

I love Vanessa Anstee. She's one of the earliest graduates of the Soul Caller Training. She brought so much light and wisdom to our circle - just as she is now bringing light to her corporate and coaching clients. As you'll see in the questions she brings to our interview, she listens with a uniquely sensitive ear - seeing between the patterns of the things people say and do - to help them express and develop their own deep wisdom.You can learn more about Vanessa Anstee's beautiful work here:http://VanessaAnstee.comDisclaimer: This was a very early interview - one of my first - so I will ask you to forgive the terrible quality of the image (please) and the cluttered background (please). I'm sharing it so that you can see the evolution of the work that I offer now. In spite of its imperfections (all my own), I love it and I'm proud to show it to you.Q: How were you broken open? A: I was broken open by sorrow. And instead of more sorrow, what streamed in was light.


Reverse that downward spiral of calamity and struggle


This argument you're having with your partner/ brother/ mother/ neighbor is a soul call