Amy Oscar

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Ride the energy: Waves of power and possibility

blog image just as you areI don't usually write about astrological events. It's not my field - I don't know much about it. But I do know about energy - and something big is moving through the world. I can feel it - the earth can feel it and I'm guessing you're feeling it, too.

If you're feeling stirred up, revved up - or even, a bit anxious, let's talk about that - because that IS my field: all of my work centers around this. Helping you come home to yourself so that you can meet anything - including big huge cosmic waves of energy - from a place of grounded peace.

There are powerful waves of change moving through Earth's energy body right now 0 and it's no surprise you're feeling them - you're sensitive, you're intuitive. Celebrate that. It's a good thing. If you're feeling stirred up, that's guidance.

What's stirring? Well, chances are - it's your calling. Specifically, the ways that up til now, you've managed to resist it.  The stirring at the center of your life - your heart - is your soul seed, responding to the call of its home - the heart of the divine. (I know this can sound spiritually complex and confusing - don't let it. Skip over it if it leaves your eyes rolling. The important thing isn't knowing exactly what this is - the important thing, today and every day, is asking yourself: Who am I meeting this?That's the most important question you can ask when ANYTHING happens - because it will require you to take a moment to compare who you think you are - and how it feels to be that person.Anyway, right now - the stirred up feeling is, in simplest terms: your sense that you are not living as the person you know that you are, the person you know that you could be - the person you are CALLED to be.And you're not alone in this.You are feeling what every living being on the planet is feeling to some degree. Look around - notice the uprising, the call for justice, fairness, healing.This is a very good time to turn to your Soul Caller training, if you've done the course. If you haven't, here are some basic tips to work with as this wave of energy continues to move through the world - and through your life:Ask yourself:Who am I as I meet this wave of feeling - of energy, of change?Who do I want to be, meeting this?Conjure and image in your minds eye of yourself as whole, strong and capable. Just see yourself there - pretend that you're dreaming. Let the image form all by itself - you don't really have to do anything. Let it arrive.As the image forms, add any other details or qualities you want to vibrate into your life - into your heart, mind and body. Do you want to be more loving, more honest, more interesting? Do you want to be more educated, more friendly, more invited?See yourself as that. Draw yourself as that. Write yourself as that. Dress yourself as that.Hold the image of that - hold it in your heart and mind as often as it occurs to you to do so.Working with your self image this way is masterful - it's taking the most powerful tool you have: your imagination, and instead of using it to imagine worst case scenario, you're working with it consciously, you're working the imagination in light.Now, this image you're 'conjuring' - let me tell you a secret: it's not imaginary. It's who you actually are. The illusions are the stories and excuses that separate you from living as that empowered, whole human being.Let yourself see yourself as whole, healthy and strong. As you SEE yourself that way, you will begin to let yourself BE that way. And right now, the energy streaming over the planet will support that more than ever.Ride the powerful waves of change flooding the world. Use the energy. It's here for you.