Sally Gentle Drew: Spirit Sleuthing, Symbolic Sight and You

Accessing the wisdom of the Universe does not have to be complicated - nor does it have to be done with the services of a hired consultant. Like anything else, it is a practice - a skill set that grows more proficient over time, if consistently applied. The key is this: be willing to see things differently than you're used to seeing them. Then put on your Super Sleuth hat, grab your Clue Recording Notebook - and join me on this brief foray into your Inner Intuitive Wisdom.

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Heather Plett: Where is wisdom?

Where is wisdom to be found? Is it on the mountain-top where the guru sits waiting for seekers to crawl up the rugged path to sit at his feet? Is it in church, where the priest doles out little morsels of it along with the communion bread? Is it in a university classroom, where a professor holds it tightly to her chest and only gives out what she thinks you can handle?

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Andrea Mee Maurer: The wisdom in 'sitting and doing nothing'

Maybe my meditative results are directly correlated to the way in which I approach them, like a therapy session. I go looking for marching orders, not peace. Truth be known, I gave up on peace a long time ago. Maybe my next life will be about finding peace. I came here this time around to get something done. I’ve got dreams to inspire and people to motivate. I don’t have time for Kumbaya.

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