The Flow Journals:
Notes from the Field of Love and Miracles


A message from Love to Love

For more than ten years, the angels have been streaming guidance to me, for you. Their message is simple, loving, generous, benevolent and infused with light. Simply reading their words changes energy. Taking their message with you into the world will change your life.

Love is calling your name

You've been wandering for so long now. Too long. For so long you've felt broken, wounded, alone. It's time to come home.

No matter what you've done or been through, no matter what you may have lost, love is calling.

You can feel the call inside of you. It’s in your longing to connect, to understand, to move and to change. It’s all here - in you. And everything you need is here with you.

Nothing is missing. Nothing that matters.

Stay with this. Whatever it is. 
And breathe.

The Flow Materials are the chronicle of my own awakening to the reality of the divine: a benevolent generous presence infused into every particle of the world, an indwelling light infused into every particle of the self.